ARTICLE - The image viewers and slice planning


The three viewers in the middle of the interface allows the user to make the slice planning, as well as to analyse the images after the scans have been run.

To view an image on a viewer, drag and drop the mountain/sun symbol from the sequences list to one of the viewers.

After dragging the SCOUT images to the viewers, and importing and opening a pulse sequence, the slice position will be given by the yellow lines in the images.

Selecting a viewer can be done by left clicking it. A selected viewer can be identified by the blue frame around it.

Moving the slice can be done by clicking and dragging the border of the slice in a viewer. Alternatively, the arrow keys can be used to move the slice.

Rotating the slice can be done by using the scroll wheel on the mouse or by using SHIFT + arrow keys.

Right clicking a viewer gives the following actions:

  1. Copy image position, copies the position of the plane for acquiring the same image. An image position can also be copied from a previously run sequence by right-clicking it in the protocol list.
  2. In-plane position, places the slice at the center of the image, and in line with the image in the viewer. (In-plane will give the same image as in the viewer, assuming the same parameters and sequence is used)
  3. Perpendicular position, sets the slice to be perpendicular to the selected viewer.
  4. Change FE to PE, changes the frequency encoding direction to phase encoding direction (foldover direction), rotates around, 90’ at a time. This can also be changed in the Geometry tab, or simply by rotating the slice

The arrows on the yellow lines/box of the plane are parallel the Phase encoding direction (PE), important for avoiding fold over artefacts.

The orange lines identify the position of the active viewers position in the other viewers. The blue lines in a viewer identifies where the non-active viewer appears in the other viewers. The dashed line marks the intersection line of the plane and the image in the viewer.

Contrast and brightness can be manipulated in a viewer by holding SHIFT + CTRL and pressing the arrow keys (windowing).