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MRI Simulator
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MRI Simulator
Release Notes
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MRI Simulator
Education Platform
Educational Platform
MRI Simulator
Release Notes
This is a space where you can find answers to common questions
How is the simulator installed?
How should the students access the simulator?
How many users can log in at the same time?
How many accounts do we need?
Can we share accounts?
How does the simulator work?
How was the simulator created?
How is the platform secured?
What hardware is needed to run the simulator?
What internet speed is required to use the platform?
Why does it take so long to boot up the system?
Can I run two scans at the same time?
How do you change the Window/Level for Contrast on an Image?
How do you change the Window/Level for Contrast on an Image?
Can you zoom in/out when planning? If so, how?
Booting time improvement
What happens if I click on go to module?
Can we display the cutline and not the box?
Why is the reset password button not working?